Tuesday, March 29, 2011

The date

From the archives

A bright Chicago Summer Day it was.
A perfect day for a date as one would say.
Not hot, and the cool breeze from the Lake Michigan making things very pleasant.
Hand in hand, we strolled on the Michigan Avenue.
Something was bothering me. I was feeling a bit strange. I had been with her since long, but the fact that I had people ogle at us was un-comforting.

What was stranger to me was the fact that, even though this was a country where people did all sorts of things at the name of PDA (public display of affection) they were staring at us. Why the hell do people have to stare? A glance is acceptable. But a stare is indeed inviting trouble.

Nevertheless, we continued to go step by step.
At times she also clung around my neck.
The Magnificent Mile Art Festival was on in its full glory at the Tribune Tower. One thing I love about Chicago is its appreciation of art and the support that it gives to artists.

It basically was a sale cum-exhibition of works of different artists across the country.

What really struck both of us was the inspiration that each of these artists possessed.
There were a couple of artists whose work was really inspiring. We also spoke to a few of them.
Talking to these artists one realizes that as a photographer its really important to keep oneself inspired and motivated at all times.

There are numerous instances when the art one creates would go unnoticed, but one needs to keep the patience and keep working towards the larger goal. The goal of being able to work on what one is passionate about.

So you have artists who spend a lifetime developing and mastering their style of art.
It takes a lot of patience, perseverance and hard work.

It was a great day spent together. We did not speak much though. All we did was get absorbed in the art in the air.

Lovely times together I should say.

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